Jonathan and Monica met and then married in 2008 while attending Indiana Bible College. After Bible college they moved to Oklahoma City. Monica worked as the office secretary at Southern Oaks United Pentecostal Church while Jonathan was involved in the ministry of the church. In 2010 they traveled to the Philippines on the Associates In Missions program. They served under missionaries John and Nory Cogan, teaching in the Apostolic Institute of Ministries in Davao City, Mindanao. After their first term on AIM they returned to Oklahoma City and continued working in the church with the anticipation of going on another AIM term. In 2012 they went back to Davao City and worked again in the Bible school with some additional responsibilities. After they returned to Oklahoma City at the end of 2012, Jonathan became an assistant to the pastor at Southern Oaks United Pentecostal Church. In 2014 they went on AIM to the city of Manila, Philippines under the supervision of missionaries David and Donna Flowers for three months focusing on the administration side of the Bible school. They have since been appointed to the South Central African Regional country of eSwatini.
Their first 10 months in the South Central Region of Africa, they taught at the Word Aflame Bible School in Lusaka, Zambia and served as Interim Pastor at the Apostolic Life Centre in Chawama, Lusaka. Bro. Parker is a member of the Executive and General Board of the UPC eSwatini and is serving as the Principal of the eSwatini Apostolic Bible Institute. They have helped establish six G.A.T.S. Certificate-level campuses throughout the country. The Parker’s served as an Interim Pastor at the United Pentecostal Church Ezulwini. They also ministered at leadership, pastors, youth, and regional conferences in both Zambia and eSwatini.
Upon returning to their field, they plan to establish a full-time Bible school, help in leadership development and continue to assist in establishing new churches in unreached areas of the country.