Scott and Linda moved to Mexico as AIMers in 1996 with their three sons, who were a great part of their ministry. They were appointed as missionaries to Mexico in 1998. In Mexico, they were thankful to be able to start several churches and serve in leadership positions at every level. They served in Mexico for many years and continue to travel and minister there. They added Cuba to their missionary endeavors with their first trip there in May 2013. The Guinns have been blessed to work with national leaders as the church grows and matures.
In 2017, they began an itinerant ministry that includes Mexico, Cuba, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America. They have also ministered in Europe. They are currently appointed to Mexico/Cuba as Inter-Regional Evangelists. Scott serves as the Area Coordinator of the Southern Central America area. Linda serves as the WNOP Coordinator for the CAC Region. They are involved in teaching and establishing a training ministry in Cuba and in several islands in the Caribbean. Their passion is teaching ethical and spiritual leadership with apostolic training to see more souls reached for the gospel of Jesus.